Eastern Washington Orienteering Club

Upcoming Local Events

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      Vampire O

      Score Orienteering at night – plus an element of hide-and-seek. Come see why this has become our most popular annual event.
      location_on 21st/S Park Dr access_time Register at 5:45 PM for 6:30 PM mass start

      For the 17th year in a row the brave and the adventurous will gather to orienteer in Manito Park after dark. Vampire O is a score-O format event, meaning everyone starts at the same time and races to find as many controls as they can within a 60 minute time limit. Controls count for 20, 30, or 40 points apiece. Ties in points are settled by who returns to the start first.

      But beware, dear adventurer, there's more: someone among you is a vampire who will steal some of your points if they find you unprotected out in the open. Once you're "bitten" you take a turn at being the vampire. To protect yourself from vampires look for talisman's like the holy water, the giant crucifix, and the wooden stake (pictured at right). Don't worry, details of the rules will be reviewed and questions answered before the start.

      5:45 registration
      6:15 review of the rules
      6:30 mass start
      7:30 time's up

      This is a family-friendly Halloween-themed event. Costumes are encouraged.

      This year we will start in the parking lot near 21st/S Park Drive. That should change up the game a little as well as make it easier for everyone to find nearby parking.

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        EWU Campus

        Come to Cheney for sprint-style orienteering on the beautiful campus of Eastern Washington University. (Go Eags!)
        location_on Woodward LN and Playfield LN, Cheney, WA access_time 10:00 AM - noon
        Eastern's Epic Adventures and EWOC team up to bring you sprint orienteering that everyone will enjoy.

        Don't let the word "sprint" worry you —you don't have to run fast if that's not your thing. Sprint orienteering means that the map is very detailed (1:4000 scale), the courses are shortish, and there's not much vegetation slowing you down. You probably won't get lost at this event. The challenge will be to quickly pick the best routes to controls from all the possible ways you could go.

        Meet in the
        tailgating lot west of Roose Field.
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          Finch Arboretum

          Come orienteer through this 56 acre park that shows off over 600 species of trees and shrubs.
          location_on W 3404 Woodland BLVD, Spokane, WA access_time 10 AM - Noon
          Finch Arboretum was established 75 years ago on land donated by the estate of John A. Finch. Finch's money came largely from mining. He incorporated Hecla Mining in 1891 with Spokane residents Amasa Campbell and Patsy Clark.

          John Beck will once again design courses for all abilities.
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