On April 12th we're offering a couple of classes in combination with an orienteering event open to anyone.
The Intro To The Sport of Orienteering Class, from 9:30 AM-11:00, will explain the sport and the basics of using your compass in combination with a map. The class wraps up just in time for you to try out the Beginner course at today's orienteering event in the arboretum. The Intro class is $15, and includes the Event, below. (There's a $5 discount if you also sign up for the Intermediate Skills Class.)
The Orienteering Event, itself, will be open for anyone to start a course anytime between 11 and noon. There will be a Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced course to choose from. None of them will be terribly long, and the arboretum has well-defined borders, so this might be a good day to try a harder course level than you've done before.
An Intermediate Orienteering Skills Class will start at noon. This class is meant to follow the morning's intro, but it might be fine for you if you're already familiar with using topographic maps in conjunction with a compass. The class will go over some of the additional skills that orienteers use to navigate courses more efficiently, like using catching features and counting your paces to estimate distance. After a little while in the classroom you'll get back outdoors to measure your own paces and then practice your new skills on a more challenging orienteering course than the morning's class did. The Intermediate Skills Class is $15 and includes your choice of the same Intermediate or Advanced course that's offered at the club event that day.
Register for the classes through
Spokane Parks and Recreation.